Elements of this story are taken from The Impossible Collection of Cigars by Aaron Sigmond.
For decades, Cuba has been lauded for its unparalleled cigars, a legacy that endures with unwavering prestige. Though often considered a niche indulgence, the experience of savoring a rich, smokey cigar remains a cherished aspiration for many and a source of immense pleasure for countless aficionados worldwide. Even amid today's stringent regulations, Cuba remains the undisputed birthplace of the cigar—a place where emerging brands continually draw inspiration and delve into the rich traditions of the craft. The Caribbean island, the first to master the art of cigar-making, has upheld this storied heritage since the 1400s.
Embark on an exquisite journey through the world’s most coveted cigars—the rarest, most exclusive, and most celebrated. To explore the epitome of cigar excellence, we present a selection of our finest recommendations.